Time to unlearn the lies Welcome dear friends. May God bless you as you seek Him through His Word. All you have to do is turn on the news today to see that the signs of the times of the end of the world are being fulfilled in quick succession. Nearly everyday we see wars and rumours of wars, pestilence has been ravaging the world already for some time in many forms and of more recent COVID-19, natural disasters are happening more severely and in quick succession. God’s judgements are coming to all those who do not believe and follow His Word. According to the scriptures just prior to His coming there will be two classes of Christians. All fall asleep while waiting for the bridegroom. One class purchased extra oil without money and without price and when the call was made to go out and meet the bridegroom, they trimmed their lamps (the Word of God) and went out to meet Him. The other class we are told did not purchase enough oil and when the call was made their lamps went out and they were sitting in darkness and could not find their way because the road was too dark and narrow until the door was shut and when they arrived, they were locked out of the marriage and lost everything because God did not know them. Likewise, we are told that Babylon has fallen representing fallen Christianity that promotes man-made teachings and traditions over the Word of God. Jesus is calling us all out to trim our lamps to get ready for the marriage where Jesus will marry (unite) with His bride (the Church). Only those who purchase enough oil (faith in Gods’ Word to receive His Spirit), will be able to find their way because they trimmed their lamps (know the truth of Gods’ Word through His Spirit) to find their way to the marriage when the call is being made to go out and meet the bridegroom because the road is dark and narrow and will keep all those in darkness if their lamps (the truth of Gods Word) go out. The call is being made today dear friend. Have you trimmed your lamp? Do you know the truth of Gods’ Word or are you following in the lies we have been taught from the teachings and traditions of men that have led “the many” away from Gods’ Word to break the commandments of God leading many to sit in darkness when Jesus is calling us all back to His Word to worship Him in Spirit and in truth? These are questions we must all ask ourselves personally and only we can personally answer them prayerfully asking God are we ready? Do we know the truth of your Word Lord? How do I know that I am following God’s Word and not the man-made teachings and traditions of men that have led “the many” away from God and His Word to break the commandments of God? The latter according to Jesus are not worshiping God according to the scriptures (Matthew 15:3-9) Jesus is calling us all and says the hour is coming and NOW IS, that the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him MUST worship him in spirit and in truth. God is calling us all back to His Word to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. This thread is about unlearning the lies we have all been taught in Sunday schools and in regard to “Sunday worship” Which is a man-made teaching and tradition that has led many away from God and His Word.
............... QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION? 1. What are the lies we are being taught in Sunday school in regards to Gods' 10 commandments? 2. Where does it say in the scriptures that Sunday is "the Lords day"? 3. Where does it say in the scriptures that God's seventh day Sabbath has been abolished and we are now commanded to keep Sunday as a holy day of rest? ............... It's time to unlearn the lies we have all be fed and to seek Jesus for ourselves through His Word asking Jesus to teach us His Word so that we can know the truth of His Word personally for ourselves. God promises all of us... "You shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13. God is calling us all to return to Him because he loves us and is not willing that any should perish *2 Peter 3:9. He promises that "if any man wants to know the truth of Gods' Word they will know if we turn away from the teachings of men and seek Him for it *John 7:17. All we need to do is ask him and believe His Word and claim His promises (see also John 16:13; John 14:26; John 7:17; 1 John 2:27; Hebrews 8:11). None of us should be afraid of coming to the light of Gods' Word to see if we are really in the faith of Gods' Word or not. Let God bless you through His Word. Friendly discussion please please provide scripture for your view. May God bless you all as you seek Him through His Word.
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JESUS said...
Think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophet - Matthew 5:17
Jesus magnified the law - Matthew 5:17-28
The law will now pass away until heaven and earth pass away - Matthew 5:18
Whoever will break the least of these commandments and teach men so will be the least in God's kingdom (the least are those who do not go there see 1 John 2:3-4)
Whoever obeys and teaches the law will be called great in God's kingdom - Matthew 5:19
Jesus taught that fail and obedience to Gods' law is required to receive eternal life - Matthew 19:17-21; John 3:36.
Jesus taught others to follow the 10 commandments (Mark 10:17-21) Jesus taught that the two great commandments of love are not separate from obeying Gods' law - Matthew 22:36-40
Jesus taught that if we break God’s Law by following man-made traditions we are not worshiping God (Matt 15:3-9)
Jesus says if we commit sin (breaking Gods law - 1 John 3:4) we are a servant of sin and he has come to free us from sin - John 8:32-36
Jesus taught if you love God you will keep God’s Law and abide in His Love - John 14:15; 15:10
If we love God we will obey His commandments and abide in His love - John 14:15; John 15:10
Jesus did not teach anywhere in the bible that Gods law has been abolished both Jesus and the Apostles and all the new testament teaches obedience to Gods law according to the new covenant scriptures..
PAUL said...
Paul teaches God's people keep the Sabbath Hebrews 4:1-9.
Paul tells gentiles that "what matters is KEEPING the Commandments of GOD" 1 Corinthians 7:19
Paul tells gentiles "it is not the HEARERS of the Law that are just before God but the DOERS of the Law will be justified... on the day when according to my GOSPEL God will judge all mankind" Romans 2:13-16
Paul says faith is not separate from obedience to God's law - Romans 3:31
Paul tells ALL Christians that it is only the lost who will "not subject themselves to the Law of God neither indeed CAN they" Romans 8:6-8
Paul teaches all Christians under the NEW Covenant that God's LAW as known in Jeremiah 31:31-33 is "written on the heart and mind" and Gods new covenant promise - Heb 8:7-11
Paul tells all Christians that the OT text is to be used for Doctrine - 2 Timothy 3:16
AND He never claims that "if I did not write it -- it is not scripture for us today" -- as one or two have imagined for us.
Paul tells all Christians that the 5th commandment is the "FIRST commandment with a promise" and is binding on all Christians. - Ephesians 6:1-2
Paul tells us that God's Law (10 commandments) is holy, just and good - Romans 7:12
God's Law gives us a knowledge of what sin is - Romans 3:20; 7:7
The penalty of breaking God's Law without Jesus is death - Romans 6:23
If we break God's Law we dishonor God - Romans 2:23
If we sin we are "under the Law" and guilty before God - Romans 3:19
We are saved by faith but our faith establishes the Law in us - Romans 3:31
If we are saved by grace we should not break God's Law - Romans 6:1-7
We should not break God's Law if we are under grace - Romans 6:15
We are to serve the Law of God through the mind because that is where sin starts - Romans 6:17; 7:25; 8:4; 12:2
It is God's Law that brings us to Jesus - Galatians 3:24
God's salvation frees us from sin so we can be obedient to God's Law and live a life of holiness - Romans 6:22
We will be judged by God's Law and only those that are obedient will be justified because of their faith - Romans 2:4-13
God's Law can only be obeyed through love and a changed heart which comes by faith in God's Word - Romans 2:21-29; 13:9-10; Hebrews 8:9-10
If we break God's Law and are in unrepentant sin we will be lost and will received God's judgements - Hebrews 10:26-27
JOHN said...
John says it is only by keeping God’s 10 commandments that we know that we know God (1 John 2:3)
If someone says that they know God and do not keep God’s 10 commandments they are lying and not telling the truth (1 John 2:4)
We should purify ourselves as Jesus is pure (1 John 3:3)
Sin is the breaking of God’s 10 commandments (1 John 3:4)
Whoever is abiding in Christ does not commit sin (1 John 3:6; John 15:4-10)
If you are in unrepentant sin you have not seen Jesus or know him (1 John 3:6)
John warns us that only those that are obedience to God’s Law are his true followers (1 John 3:7)
If someone is committing unrepentant sin they are following the devil and not God (1 John 3:7)
If you are born of God and abiding in him you will not commit sin (1 John 3:9; 1 John 3:6; John 15:4-10
It is the keeping of God’s commandments that is the difference between those that are following God and those that are not following God (1 John 3:10; 1 John 5:3)
It is only by Love through faith that we can keep God’s commandments (1 John 5:3-4)
God’s true believers in the end days will keep all of God’s commandments through faith in Jesus (Revelation 14:12; 22:14)
JAMES said...
James says God’s Law (10 commandments) are a Royal Law - James 2:8
If we break one of God’s commandments we a guilty before God as sinners breaking all of God’s Law and gave some examples of breaking God’s Law - James 2:9-11
James says God’s Law is a law of liberty and freedom - James 2:12)
The 10 commandments (God’s Law) are the standard in the judgment - James 2:12
If our faith does not have the fruit of obedience to God’s Law it is dead and not true faith - James 2:16-26
PETER said...
Sanctification is to obedience to God’s Law - 1 Peter 1:2
We can only be changed from sin to obedience to God’s Law by the power of God and it will be revealed in the last days - 1 Peter 1:5
We should give up our sins to be holy because Jesus is holy - 1 Peter 1:13-16
Jesus is your example who did no sin - 1 Peter 2:21-22
Cease from sin and do not live in the flesh - 1 Peter 4:1-3
Judgement will begin at the house of God and sinners (those breaking God’s 10 commandments) will not be saved - 1 Peter 4:17
God has given us his precious promises and as we believe them God will grant us his divine power to live a life of Godliness (obedience to God’s Law; 2 Peter 1:2-4
The Un-Godly (disobedient to God’s Law) will be like Sodom and Gomorrah - 2 Peter 2:6
If any turn away from God’s Law and are in unrepentant sin breaking any of God’10 commandments they will be lost - 2 Peter 2:20-22
God is not willing that any should perish but that everyone should come to repentance and turn away from sin to follow God’s 10 commandments because those that do not will receive the judgements of God 2 Peter 3:5-14
It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath - Matthew 12:1-8; 10-12; 24:20; Mark 3:1-5; Luke 6:1-10; 13:14-16; 14:1-5; John 7:22-23; 9:14; Mark 1:21; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:16; 31; Luke 14:1; 23:56)
Jesus made the Sabbath for all mankind - Hebrews 1:2; John 1:1-3; 14; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16-17; Mark 2:27
Jesus is Lord (creator) and owner of the Sabbath - Mark 2:28
If you do not believe and follow God you cannot enter His Sabbath rest - Hebrews 4
It is one of God’s 10 commandments we break it we are guilty or breaking all - James 2:8-12
Breaking it is sin - 1 John 3:4
God’s true followers keep it Holy as God commanded - Revelation 14:12; 22:14; Ezekiel 20:20
Jesus is our example and he kept the Sabbath - Matthew 12:1-8; 10-12; 24:20; Mark 3:1-5; Luke 6:1-10; 13:14-16; 14:1-5; John 7:22-23; 9:14; Mark 1:21; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:16; 31; Luke 14:1; 23:56; John 2:6; Matthew 16:24; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Ephesians 5:1-21; Peter 2:20-22
The Apostle and disciples all kept the Sabbath after the death and resurrection of Jesus - Acts of the Apostles 13:14; 13:27; 13:44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4; Revelation 1:10
Jesus taught that God's people would be still keeping the Sabbath well after the death and resurrection - Matthew 24:20; Mark 13:18.
As shown above pretty much the whole new covenant teaches Gods law. Perhaps it is time to rethink what you believe and receive Gods' Word as a blessing from God to you. The above I hope is helpful only as it also shows that your earlier claims and understanding as to what the covenant were is not biblical. The old covenant includes the Mosaic book of the covenant (Exodus 24:7) which included the "shadow laws" for remission sins that are obsolete while Gods' new covenant has God's laws written on the heart through faith and still the standard of good and evil in the new covenant.
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THERE IS NO SCRIPTURE! Go look for it. Your challenge is to find a single scripture in all of Gods' Word that says Sunday or the first day of the week is "the Lord's day." The claim that Sunday is "the Lords day" are lies taught by the teachings and traditions of men outside of the scriptures that are not supported by scripture.
Many try to pull Romans 7:6 away from it's context to claim that it is saying that Gods' 10 commandments have now been abolished but what does the context say and what is the real meaning of Romans 7:6? The context of Romans 7 includes Romans 6:1-23; Romans 7:1-25 and Romans 8:1-13 and trying to apply an interpretation to fit a teaching of lawlessness (without law) is not biblical or supported in the scriptures.
There is no where in the entire bible that teaches that God's 10 commandments are abolished. It is a teaching that has Paul in contradiction with Paul when he says faith does not abolish Gods' law it establishes Gods' law in Romans 3:31 or that circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the commandments of God in 1 Corinthians 7:19 or elsewhere when Paul shows that we love our neighbor as ourselves by being obedient to those commandments from Gods' law that show us how we love our fellow man in Romans 13:8-10.
Paul also shows in Romans 8:1-4 that the righteousness (moral right doing - Psalms 119:172) of the law is fulfilled in us as we walk not in the flesh but in Gods' Spirit (see also Galatians 5:16). Paul does not teach a teaching of lawlessness or that Gods' 10 commandments are abolished anywhere in the bible. He teaches they are established by faith and are a part of Gods 'new covenant promise *Hebrews 8:10-12 from Jeremiah 31:31-36 and Ezekiel 36:24-27. It is Paul not me that says that God's law is holy, just and good in Romans 7:12 and that it is God's law that gives us the knowledge of what sin is when broken that is defined as breaking Gods' law in Romans 3:20 and Romans 7:7 and that the purpose of Gods' law is to show us we are all sinners in need of Gods' grace that we can receive through faith as shown in Romans 2:4-29 to Romans 3:1-23 and that faith does not abolish Gods' law, but establishes Gods' law in the lives of all those who believe what Gods' Word says.
Your interpretation of a single scripture in Romans 7:6 taken away from it's context to apply a meaning that Gods 10 commandments have been abolished has Paul in contradiction with Paul and the rest of the bible. Here let's prove this and add all the context back in first by looking at the previous verse your disregarding. We can have a look at the whole chapter if your interpreted and their connection with Romans 6:1-23 through to Romans 7:1-25 and Romans 8:1-13 in another post if your interested that says the same thing that is being shared with you here, but let's simply start with the immediate scripture context your disregarding again if it might be helpful. Romans 7:1-7 is building on what Paul was talking about in Romans 6:1-23 where he contrasts baptism and the death of the old man of sin or dying to our sinful nature and walking in newness of life. Romans 8:1-13 is building on both Romans 6 and Romans 7 contrasting walking in the Spirit and not in the old man of the flesh that has died so that we can be married to another in Christ. This is all context your disregarding that does not agree with your interpretation of Romans 7:6.
Take a look...
Romans 7:1-7 [1], Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? [2], For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. [3], So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man. [4], Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. [5], For when we were in the FLESH <G4561 Carnal mind or sinful human nature>, the motions of SINS, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit to death. [6], But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. [7], What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust,3 except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.
Paul is speaking to those who understand the law - Romans 7:1
The law has dominion over a man as long as we live - Romans 7:1
Example of marriage and a woman being bound to her husband as long as she lives - Romans 7:2
If the husband dies then she is free to marry another - Romans 7:2-3
We are to become dead to the law (of our first husband) by the body of Christ - Romans 7:2-4
For when we were in the flesh (first husband sinful nature) the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death - Romans 7:5
We are to die to what has bound us which is sin - Romans 7:5-6
Dying to that which has bound us (sin and death) we can serve in newness of life of the Spirit - Romans 7:6 compare Galatians 5:16 with Romans 8:1-4 and Romans 8:13.
It is through the law of God we have the knowledge of what sin is - Romans 7:7
The context your disregarding here is that Paul is talking to those who know the law and is saying that before we come to Christ we (those who know the law) are married to the law of sin and death which is working in our members. That is Gods' law reveals sin to us and gives us the knowledge of what sin is when broken. This first husband (sinful nature) must die before we can be married to Christ to walk in His Spirit in newness of life. This agrees with what Paul is talking about already in Romans 6:1-23 where he is talking about the true meaning of "baptism" and dying to the old man of sin so we can walk in newness of life.
Romans 6:1-7 [1], What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? [2], God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? [3], Know you not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? [4], Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. [5], For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: [6], Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that from now on we should not serve sin. [7], For he that is dead is freed from sin. [8], Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: [9], Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dies no more; death has no more dominion over him. [10], For in that he died, he died to sin once: but in that he lives, he lives to God. [11], Likewise reckon you also yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. [12], Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in the lusts thereof. [13], Neither yield you your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin: but yield yourselves to God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. [14], For sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not under the law, but under grace. [15], What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. [16], Know you not, that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey; whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness? [17], But God be thanked, that you were the servants of sin, but you have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. [18], Being then made free from sin, you became the servants of righteousness.
We are not to continue in sin - Romans 6:1-2
We are to be dead to sin - Romans 6:2
We baptized into Christs death - Romans 6:3
We are buried into Christs death through baptism - Romans 6:4
We are to walk in newness of life - Romans 6:4-5
Our old man of sin and death is crucified with Christ - Romans 6:6
Our old man of sin and death is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that from now on we should not serve sin - Romans 6:6
Our old man of sin and death is dead in Christ so we can be freed from sin - Romans 6:6-7
Our old man of sin and death is dead with Christ so that we can live with Christ (married to another - Romans 7:1-7) - Romans 6:8
We are to reckon ourselves dead indeed to sin, but alive to God through Jesus - Romans 6:11
We are not to let sin (breaking God's law) reign in our bodies any longer - Romans 6:12
We are to yield ourselves to God as those being alive from the dead - Romans 6:13
Sin (breaking Gods' law) is no longer to have dominion over us - Romans 6:14
We are made free from sin to become servants of right doing - Romans 6:18
It is that which binds us that we are released from which is sin that we are to die to not the law so that we can be married to Christ and walk in His Spirit. We are released from the condemnation of sin and death through faith in Gods' Word and by walking in His Spirit in newness of life (Romans 8:1-4). So nope the single scripture you have taken out of it's context in Romans 7:6 as shown above does not teach anywhere that Gods' 10 commandments are abolished. It is teaching that we must be released from the law of sin (breaking God's law) and death that has bound us in order to be married to another (Christ) to walk in newness of life not of the letter but of the Spirit of God.
WHAT ABOUT THE LIES THAT GOD'S 10 COMMANDMENTS ARE NOT IN THE NEW COVENANANT? 1 You shall have no other gods before Me. It is written: You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall serve. (Luke 4:8; Matthew 4:10; Revelation 14:7) 2 You must not make for yourself a carved image, a likeness of anything in heaven, on earth, or under the sea. God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24; Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Ephesians 5:5; 1 Peter 4:3; 1 John 5:21; Revelation 2:14) 3 You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain. (1 Timothy 6:1, James 2:7) 4 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. – Binding on all Christians today -Hebrews 4:9 The Sabbath [seventh day] was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, so the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27-28, Hebrews 4; Matthew 12:8; Matthew 12:1-8; 10-12; 24:20; Mark 3:1-5; Luke 6:1-10; 13:14-16; 14:1-5; John 7:22-23; 9:14; Mark 1:21; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:16; 31; Luke 14:1; 23:56; Matthew 10-12; 24:20; Mark 3:1-5; Luke 6:1-10; 13:14-16; 14:1-5; John 7:22-23; 9:14; Mark 1:21; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:16; 31; Luke 14:1; 23:56; John 2:6; Matthew 16:24; 1; (After the death of Jesus) Matthew 24:20; Matthew 28:1; Acts 13:14; 13:27; 13:44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4; Hebrews 4:1-5; 9-11; Revelations 1:10 (see Matthew 12:8) 5 Honor your father and mother. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. (Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20; Matthew 15:4; Matthew 19:19) 6 You shall not murder. I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:44-45; Matt. 5:21-26; Romans 13:9; 1 Timothy 1:9; 1 John 3:15; James 2:11; Matthew 19:18) 7 You shall not commit adultery. I say to you whoever even looks at another in lust has already committed adultery in their heart. (Matthew 5:28, 1 Cor. 5:11, 1 Cor. 6:18, Galatians 5:19, Hebrews 13:4, James 2:11, Matthew 19:19, Romans 13:9) 8 You shall not steal. Neither thieves, the greedy, or drunkards and robbers will inherit the Kingdom. (1 Corinthians 6:10, Romans 2:21, Mark 7:21, Ephesians 4:28, Romans 13:9, Matthew 19:18) 9 You shall not bear false witness. For by your words, you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned. (Matthew 15:19, Ephesians 4:25, Col. 3:9; Matthew 19:18, Romans 13:9) 10 You shall not covet your neighbour's possessions. Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist of the things he possesses. (Luke 12:15, Romans 7:7, Ephesians 5:3, 1 Timothy 6:10, Hebrews 13:5, Romans 13:9). .............. God's Word does not teach lawlessness. According to James we break anyone of them we stand guilty before God of sin. Take Care now.
THERE IS NONE! There is not a single scripture in all of Gods' Word that says Gods' 4th commandment has been abolished and we are now commanded to keep Sunday as a holy day of rest. This is a man-made teaching and tradition that has led many away from Gods' Word to break the commandments of God.
Let's unlearn the lies of Romans 14. Very simply a careful reading of Romans 14 shows that there is only two verses talking about days that men esteem over other days in regards to eating and not eating and judging others in this regard in application to judgements of opinion in context to food and days that men esteem over other days (Romans 14:1-6). Keep in mind here reading the chapter you will not see anywhere that the subject matter is talking about eating and not eating on days that God esteems over other days. It does not mention anywhere in the chapter it is talking about God's 10 commandments and neither is there any reference in this chapter that is talking about God's 4th commandment Sabbath.
To come up with an interpretation that Romans 14 is talking about the Sabbath is to read into the scriptures what the scriptures do not say or teach anywhere. What the scriptures do say and teach simply as we read what is written (not what is not written) we see that Romans 14:1-5 is talking about days that men esteem over other days in regards to eating and not eating certain types of food and judging others in this regard in application to personal opinions in context to food and days that men esteem over other days. It is not talking about days that God esteems over other days and the scriptures tell us that the things that "men esteem" are an abomination to God in Luke 16:15. So there is no application to any day that God esteems over other days. The day that God esteems over other days according to the scriptures is the "seventh day" Sabbath where we see that God set apart the "seventh day" from all the other days of the week as a memorial of creation and "blessed the seventh day" making it a holy day of rest for all mankind (see Genesis 2:1-3; Mark 2:27) and commands His people to keep it as a memorial of creation and a celebration of God as the creator of heaven and earth in Exodus 20:8-11.
The scriptures show that Gods' Sabbath is the day that God esteems over other days. Jesus also stating he is the Lord (creator) of the Sabbath *Mark 2:28; Matthew 12;8 and it is His holy day taking ownership of the Sabbath as a day that God esteems over other days as God claims the Sabbath as His holy day in *Isaiah 56:4; Isaiah 58:13; Ezekiel 20:12-24; Ezekiel 22:8; Ezekiel 22:38; Exodus 31:13; Leviticus 19:3).
In fact an interpretation that Romans 14 is talking about the Sabbath pretty much goes against the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles in the entire new testament scriptures as Jesus and the Apostles and Paul and the disciples all kept the Sabbath and continued keeping the Sabbath well after the death and resurrection of Jesus (Matthew 12:1-8; 10-12; 24:20; Mark 3:1-5; Luke 6:1-10; 13:14-16; 14:1-5; John 7:22-23; 9:14; Mark 1:21; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:16; 31; Luke 14:1; 23:56; John 2:6; Matthew 16:24; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Ephesians 5:1-21; Peter 2:20-22; Acts 13:14; 13:27; 13:44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4).
Romans 14 is mistakenly used by some as “proof” that there is no Sabbath law today. The seventh-day Sabbath was established at creation and included in the 10 Commandments and faithfully remembered by Jesus and the apostles and the New Testament Church. Yet many believe the doubtful things Paul talked about somehow included the Sabbath and made it obsolete for Christians today even when nothing in this regards is written anywhere in the whole chapter of Romans 14. Romans 14:1 which is the context show that the subject matter here is to do with "doubtful disputations" or “doubtful things”, yet Paul would never refer to the Old Testament as “doubtful.” The Greek word for “doubtful” means “reasoning's” or “opinions” (Romans 14:1-2).
In other words, Paul was addressing matters of personal opinion in this chapter, in regards to food and days that men esteem over other days and judging others in this regard, not matters of law. What does the passage actually say? Romans 14:5-6 “One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it.”
In order to understand any part of the Bible, it is necessary to take what is said in context. The entirety of verse 6 reads: “He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and gives God thanks.” How were the people “observing” a day?
There are a few views here. Some believe that it is a reference that was a problem at the time to meat being sold in the market place sacrificed to idols and believers not wanting to eat these meats because they thought they would be offending God. There is evidence of this also happening as a problem for the Corinthian believers in 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 which uses similar language to that used in Romans 14. Here is a link to an interesting article that may be of interest showing the background to this problem for believers in Paul's day if your interested with further scripture support (Here linked). Another view is that Romans 14:5-6 is in reference to eating and not eating (fasting) on days that men esteem over other days. This has reference back to the gospels where the Jews would have preference over days for fasting on (eating and not eating) *see Luke 18:10-14. The application here is to days that men esteem over other days for eating and not eating.
[1] the days spoken of are associated with eating/drinking, not eating/not drinking.
[2] the matter is over those 'weak' and 'strong' in faith concerning eating/drinking and days to do and not do those things on
[3] the context deals with "One man esteemeth", and not what God esteems (Isaiah 56:1-8, 58:13; Psalms 89:34) as permanent and so, and God's word is clear about what men esteem: Luke 16:15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. The Jews continually argued over which were better days to do this thing or that thing, like fasting, feasting, etc: [Matthew 9:14; Mark 2:18; Luke 5:33, 18:12 KJB]
[4] the words for sabbath is not present in all of Romans 14, neither in all of Romans
[5] the words of the seventh day is not present in all of Romans 14, neither in all of Romans
[6] the words for the Lord's day is not present in all of Romans 14, neither in all of Romans
[7] Romans 14 is in the context of Romans 13, which directly cites the latter (2nd) table of the Ten Commandments, for love to neighbour, which is also found in Leviticus 19:17-18, in the context of sin and the Ten Commandments.
[8] Romans 15 is the other end, and when combined with 1 Corinthians 8-10, the context is clear that the sabbath of the LORD thy God (Exodus 20:8-11) is not in view in the least, and is sustained by the rest of Paul in Romans by his statements on the eternal spiritual, holy, just and good Law (Exodus 20:1-17) of God, which identifies what sin is (Romans 7:7; 1 John 3:4)
[9] the entire context of Romans 14 is to do nothing (even if allowed normally, yet not under special circumstances) to cause others to sin: Romans 14:13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.
[10] Paul never contradicts himself, and Paul's writings are scripture (2 Peter 3:16), and scripture cannot be broken, John 10:35) and does not teach transgression of God's Law (Exodus 20:1-17) at any point: Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? Romans 6:2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Romans 6:15 What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. Romans7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I HAD NOT KNOWN SIN, BUT BY THE LAW: FOR I HAD NOT KNOWN LUST, EXCEPT THE LAW HAD SAID, THOU SHALT NOT COVET.
[11] the words for "law", "commandments" are never used in Romans 14
[12] Paul in numerous places lists and upholds every single one of the Ten Commandments in the NT, including the 4th Commandment (Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11) in Hebrews 3-4, etc.
[13] Romans 14 is about excluding those things which were "doubful disputations", and not a single one of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) were ever doubtful or to be disputed in any place in all of scripture (KJB), for the Commandment of God are "sure" (Psalms 111:7).
[14] the words for "covenant/testament" are never used in Romans 14
[15] the words for 'first [day] of the week' are never used in Romans 14, neither in all of Romans [16] none of the 'Sunday' (first [day] of the week) churches use Romans 14 to teach that I may ignore the day they gather on, even though that day is not sanctified by God in any way what so ever in scripture (KJB), and is never called "the Lord's day" in scripture, neither is it "the seventh day the sabbath of the LORD thy God".
[17] nobody uses Romans 14 to teach I can simply stop eating/drinking on every day
[18] anyone who quotes Romans 14, has in mind 'restrictions', rather than allowances
There is nothing about God's 4th commandment anywhere in Romans 14. The scriptures are talking about food connected to days (eating and not eating (fasting) on days men esteem over other days. Not what days God esteems and judging others. The things that men esteem are an abomination in God's eyes. LUKE 16:15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God There is no mention in all of ROMANS 14 of God's 4th commandment or any of God's 10 commandments. Many try and read this into the scriptures but it is just not there in all the chapter.
Unlearn the lies used in 2 Corinthians 3 to claim that God's 10 commandments have now been abolished.
According to the scriptures here in 2 Corinthians 3 is not Gods 10 commandments that have become obsolete it is the ministration of condemnation and death that is obsolete through the ministration of the Spirit that brings life and peace through Gods’ forgiveness and faith in Christ.
Lets look at the scriptures and add the context back in your disregarding.
2 Corinthians 3:3-18 [3], For as much as YOU ARE MANIFESTLY DECLARED TO BE THE LETTER OF CHRIST MINISTERED BY US, WRITTEN NOT WITH INK, BUT WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD; NOT IN TABLES OF STONE, BUT IN FLESHY TABLES OF THE HEART. [4], And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: [5], Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; [6], WHO ALSO HAS MADE US ABLE MINISTERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT; NOT OF THE LETTER, BUT OF THE SPIRIT: FOR THE LETTER KILLS, BUT THE SPIRIT GIVES LIFE. [7], BUT IF THE MINISTRATION OF DEATH, WRITTEN AND ENGRAVED IN STONES, WAS GLORIOUS, SO THAT THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL COULD NOT STEADFASTLY BEHOLD THE FACE OF MOSES FOR THE GLORY OF HIS COUNTENANCE; WHICH GLORY WAS TO BE DONE AWAY: [8], HOW SHALL NOT THE MINISTRATION OF THE SPIRIT BE RATHER GLORIOUS? [9], FOR IF THE MINISTRATION OF CONDEMNATION be glory, much more does the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory. [10], For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excels. [11], FOR IF THAT WHICH IS DONE AWAY WAS GLORIOUS, MUCH MORE THAT WHICH REMAINS IS GLORIOUS. [12], Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech: [13], AND NOT AS MOSES, WHICH PUT A VEIL OVER HIS FACE, THAT THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL COULD NOT STEADFASTLY LOOK TO THE END OF THAT WHICH IS ABOLISHED: [14], BUT THEIR MINDS WERE BLINDED: FOR UNTIL THIS DAY REMAINS THE SAME VEIL NOT TAKEN AWAY IN THE READING OF THE OLD TESTAMENT; WHICH VEIL IS DONE AWAY IN CHRIST. [15], But even to this day, when Moses is read, the veil is on their heart. [16], NEVERTHELESS WHEN IT SHALL TURN TO THE LORD, THE VEIL SHALL BE TAKEN AWAY. [17], Now THE LORD IS THAT SPIRIT: AND WHERE THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS, THERE IS LIBERTY. [18], But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the LORD.
Taken from the scriptures above...
God's new covenant promise of God's Spirit and His law written on the heart - 2 Corinthians 3:3; see Hebrews 8:10-12 from Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:24-27.
Ministers of the new covenant (see Hebrews 8:10-12 from Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:24-27) not of the letter but of the Spirit written in the heart *2 Corinthians 3:6.
The ministration of death is done away (not God's 10 commandments) by the ministration of the Spirit - 2 Corinthians 3:7-8
The ministration of condemnation is now exceeded by the ministration of righteousness (right doing Gods law written in the heart to love) - 2 Corinthians 3:9.
The ministration of condemnation and death is done away through the ministration of the Spirit and God's forgiveness of sins through Christ which is that Spirit *2 Corinthians 3:11-17
SUMMARY: 2 Corinthians 3:3-18 show that it is the ministration of condemnation and death by the letter that is done away by the ministration of the Spirit through God's mercy, grace and forgiveness through faith that works by love in fulfilment of Gods' new covenant promise (Hebrews 8:10-12; from Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Ezekiel 36:24-27) that is done away not God's 10 commandments. All God's 10 commandments do under the new covenant is to give us the knowledge of good (moral right doing) and evil (moral wrong doing); sin (moral wrong doing) and righteousness (moral right doing) *Romans 3:20: Romans 7:7; 1 John 3:4; Psalms 119:172.
An interpretation that 2 Corinthians 3 is talking about abolishing Gods' 10 commandments has Paul in contradiction to Paul when he says in Romans 3:31 that faith does not abolish Gods' law it establishes God's law and again in Romans 13:8-10 where Paul says we love our neighbour as our self by being obedient to those laws in God's 10 commandments that show us our duty of love to our fellow man.
Indeed the ministration of the Spirit is greater the than the ministration of the letter because while the letter brings death and condemnation while the Spirit brings life and forgiveness through Christ and writes the law on the heart through faith that works by love which is Gods' new covenant promise in all those who have been born again to believe and follow God's Word and walk in newness of life *John 3:3-7; 1 John 3:4-9; Hebrews 8:10-12 from Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Ezekiel 36:24-27; Romans 6:1-23. It is not therefore God’s 10 commandments that have become obsolete it is the ministration of condemnation and death through the ministration of God’s forgiveness and His sacrifice for our sins.
God's Word does not support your teachings of lawlessness (without law).
As to Colossians 2:16? Yes many take this scripture out of context to the rest of the bible to try and teach that Gods' 4th commandment is a "shadow law" pointing to Christ. However, this teaching is not biblical. I have spent a lot of time prayerfully asking God and studying this topic for myself and I am happy to prove Colossians 2:16 is not a reference to Gods' 4th commandment by Gods' grace through His Word if you are interested.
The scriptures say
Colossians 2:16 [16], Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day (Feast day), or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days (plural): [17], Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. [KJV]
If you prayerfully look at this topic in detail and not surface read the scripture and separate it from context like many do, you will find Colossians 2:16 is not a reference to Gods' 4th commandment of the 10 commandments but is a reference to the ceremonial "sabbaths" plural in the annual Feast days connected to the meat and drink offerings and animal sacrifices that are shadow of things to come pointing to Jesus.
Paul here is actually quoting old testament scriptures in regards to the annual Feast days and ceremonial laws and sabbaths that were connected to these Feast days. I will show you examples of these shortly but let me ask, did you know that there was many different kinds of sabbaths (plural) in the Old Testament?
For example the annual Feast days included annual ceremonial sabbaths (plural) that unlike Gods' 4th commandment that is every "seventh day" *Exodus 20:10 on a continuous weekly cycle, the annual sabbaths in the Feast days could fall on any day of the week depending on the yearly cycle and were connected directly to the meat and drink offerings and animal sacrifices and sin offerings pointing to Jesus. All these shadow laws of remission of sins including the meat and drink offerings the new moons and the annual sabbaths (plural) in he annual Feast days for example included;
(1) Feast of Unleavened Bread (first and last day) *Leviticus 23:6-8
(2) Feast of Trumpets *Leviticus 23:24-25
(3) Day of Atonement *Leviticus 23:27-32
(4) Feast of Booths *Leviticus 23:34-36
(5) Feast of First Fruits *Leviticus 23:39
(6) Feast days of Holy convocation of no work (sabbaton Colossians 2:16 *Leviticus 23:7-8; 21;24; 27; 35-36
(7) Sabbath of years - Levitical 25:8-10
It is all these sabbaths (plural) that were connected to the old covenant earthly Sanctuary that were all shadows of things to come pointing to Jesus as the promised Messiah and Savoir of the world.
It is impossible that Colossians 2:16 to be talking about Gods' 4th commandment for God's 4th commandment has never pointed forward to things to come but points backwards to the finished work of creation *see Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11. Gods' 4th commandment was also made before sin and before law when mankind was sinless and there was no need for a gospel pointing to Jesus because there was no sin when God made the Sabbath for all mankind (see Mark 2:27; Genesis 2:1-3) only Adam and Eve created. Gods' 4th commandment points backwards to the finished work of creation (Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11) not forward to things to come so cannot be a "shadow law" of anything.
Paul in Colossians 2:16 is actually quoting old testament scriptures..
Colossians 2:16 [16], Let no man therefore judge you in (1) meat, or in drink, or in respect of an (2) holy day (Feast day), or of the (3) new moon, or of the (4) sabbath days (plural): [17], Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. [KJV]
Ezekiel 45:17-21, It shall be the prince’s duty to furnish the burnt offerings, (1) meat offering and drink offerings, at the (2) feasts, the (3) new moons, and the (4) sabbaths, at all the appointed (5) feasts of the house of israel: He shall provide the sin offerings, grain offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings, to make atonement on behalf of the house of Israel: he shall prepare the sin offering, and the meat offering, and the burnt offering, and the peace offerings, to make reconciliation for the house of Israel. Thus says the Lord God; in the first month, in the first day of the month, thou shalt take a young bullock without blemish, and cleanse the sanctuary: and the priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering, and put it upon the posts of the house, and upon the four corners of the settle of the altar, and upon the posts of the gate of the inner court. and so thou shalt do the seventh day of the month for every one that erred, and for him that is simple: so shall ye reconcile the house. in the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, ye shall have the passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten.
1 Chronicles 23:31 and whenever (1) burnt offerings were presented to the LORD on the (4) sabbaths, at the (3) New Moon (2) feasts and at the appointed festivals. They were to serve before the LORD regularly in the proper number and in the way prescribed for them.
2 Chronicles 2:4 [4] Now I am about to build a temple for the Name of the LORD my God and to dedicate it to him for burning fragrant incense before him, for setting out the consecrated bread regularly, and for making (1) burnt offerings every morning and evening and on the (4) sabbaths, at the (3) New Moons and at the appointed (2) festivals of the LORD our God. This is a lasting ordinance for Israel.
Numbers 28:8-10 [9] And on the Sabbath day two lambs of the first year without spot, and two tenth deals of flour for a MEAT OFFERING, mingled with oil, and the DRINK OFFERING thereof: [10] This is the burnt offering of EVERY SABBATH, beside the continual BURN'T OFFERING, and his DRINK OFFERING.
Isaiah 1:10-14 [10] Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.[11] To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I AM FULL OF THE BURNT OFFERINGS of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.[12] When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?[13] BRING NO MORE VAIN OBLATIONS; incense is an abomination unto me; THE NEW MOONS AND SABBATHS, THE CALLING OF ASSEMBLIES, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.[14] Your new moons and your APPOINTED FEASTS my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.
Hosea 2:11 [11], I will stop her celebrations: her (2) yearly festivals, her (3) New Moons, her (4) sabbaths and all her (2) appointed festivals.
Paul in Colossians 2:16 is quoting from old testament scriptures -Ezekiel 45:17-21; 1 Chronicles 23:31; 2 Chronicles 2:3 and Hosea 2:11.
The scriptures are in reference to the sabbaths in the appointed times and Feasts -Ezekiel 45:17-21; 1 Chronicles 23:31; 2 Chronicles 2:4
The scripture context in Colossians 2:16 and the old testament scriptures Paul is quoting from is to the earthly Sanctuary laws of remission of sins and meat and drink offerings, new moons, and sabbaths (plural) in context to the annual Feast days which are all shadows of things to come. - Hosea 2:11; 2 Chronicles 2:4; Ezekiel 45:17-21.
The earthly sanctuary was for the old covenant laws of remission of sins and animal sacrifices, new moons and sabbaths in the Feast days - 2 Chronicles 2:4
These were all to come to an end in Christ to who these shadow laws all pointed to - Hosea 2:11; Colossians 2:17
So what you can see here is that Paul is directly quoting old testament scriptures from Colossians 2:16 that are referring to the annual ceremonial sabbaths connected to the Old testament Sanctuary and meat and drink offerings and animal sacrifices and old covenant laws for remission of sins linked to the annual Feast days not Gods' 4th commandment which was Paul's custom in keeping according to the scriptures (Acts of the Apostles 17:2).
Application to other new covenant scriptures
Hebrews 9:1; 9-12 [1] Then verily THE FIRST COVENANT HAD ALSO ORDINANCES of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.... [9] WHICH WAS A FIGURE for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience;[10] WHICH STOOD ONLY IN MEATS AND DRINKS, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.[12] NEITHER BY THE BLOOD OF GOATS AND CALVES, BUT BY HIS OWN BLOOD he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
HEBREWS 10:1-9 [1], FOR THE LAW HAVING A SHADOW OF GOOD THINGS TO COME, AND NOT THE VERY IMAGE OF THE THINGS, CAN NEVER WITH THOSE SACRIFICES which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. [2], For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. [3], But in those SACRIFICES there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. [4], For it is not possible that THE BLOOD OF BULLS AND GOATS should take away sins. [5], Why when he comes into the world, he said, SACRIFICES AND OFFERINGS YOU WOULD NOT BUT A BODY YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR ME: [6], IN BURN'T OFFERINGS AND SACRIFICES FOR SIN YOU HAVE HAD NO PLEASURE. [7], Then said I, See, I come in the VOLUME OF THE BOOK IT IS WRITTEN OF ME, to do your will, O God. [8], Above when he said, SACRIFICES AND OFFERINGS AND BURNT OFFERINGS AND OFFERINGS FOR SIN YOU WOULD NOT, neither had pleasure therein; WHICH ARE OFFERED BY THE LAW; [9], Then said he, See, I come to do your will, O God. He takes away the first, that he may establish the second.
All the above new covenant scriptures link in with Colossians 2:16, the meat and drink offerings, and the sabbaths in the annual Feast days and the earthly Sanctuary and its laws for remission of sins. Colossians 2:16 is not telling us that Gods' 4th commandment is abolished.
I am not one for commentaries but for what it is worth these Sunday keeping scholars are all in agreement here in regards to Colossians 2:16 and what has been shared with you here.
Albert Barnes Notes on the Bible
“... Or of the Sabbath days - Greek, “of the Sabbaths.” The word Sabbath in the Old Testament is applied not only to the seventh day, but to all the days of holy rest that were observed by the Hebrews, and particularly to the beginning and close of their great festivals. There is, doubtless, reference to those days in this place, since the word is used in the plural number, and the apostle does not refer particularly to the Sabbath properly so called. There is no evidence from this passage that he would teach that there was no obligation to observe any holy time, for there is not the slightest reason to believe that he meant to teach that one of the ten commandments had ceased to be binding on mankind. If he had used the word in the singular number - “the Sabbath,” it would then, of course, have been clear that he meant to teach that that commandment had ceased to be binding, and that a Sabbath was no longer to be observed. But the use of the term in the plural number, and the connection, show that he had his eye on the great number of days which were observed by the Hebrews as festivals, as a part of their ceremonial and typical law, and not to the moral law, or the Ten Commandments. No part of the moral law - no one of the ten commandments could be spoken of as “a shadow of good things to come.” These commandments are, from the nature of moral law, of perpetual and universal obligation. ...” - Albert Barnes, Colossians 2:16 Commentary. E-Sword App.
Adam Clarke, states on the same passage:
There is no intimation here that the Sabbath was done away, or that its moral use was superseded, by the introduction of Christianity. I have shown elsewhere that, Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, is a command of perpetual obligation, and can never be superseded but by the final termination of time. ...” - Adam Clarke, Colossians 2:16 Commentary. E-Sword App.
Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary states:
“... the sabbath — Omit “THE,” which is not in the Greek (compare Note, see on Gal_4:10). “SABBATHS” (not “the sabbaths”) of the day of atonement and feast of tabernacles have come to an end with the Jewish services to which they belonged (Lev_23:32, Lev_23:37-39). The weekly sabbath rests on a more permanent foundation, having been instituted in Paradise to commemorate the completion of creation in six days. Lev_23:38 expressly distinguished “the sabbath of the Lord” from the other sabbaths. A positive precept is right because it is commanded, and ceases to be obligatory when abrogated; a moral precept is commanded eternally, because it is eternally right. If we could keep a perpetual sabbath, as we shall hereafter, the positive precept of the sabbath, one in each week, would not be needed. Heb_4:9, “rests,” Greek, “keeping of sabbath” (Isa_66:23). But we cannot, since even Adam, in innocence, needed one amidst his earthly employments; therefore the sabbath is still needed and is therefore still linked with the other nine commandments, as obligatory in the spirit, though the letter of the law has been superseded by that higher spirit of love which is the essence of law and Gospel alike (Rom_13:8-10). ...” - Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, Colossians 2:16 Commentary.
Does the above make sense to you dear friend?
God bless
What about the lies used in Acts of the Apostles 15 to claim that God's 10 commandments and Gods' seventh day Sabbath of the ten commandments have been abolished...
[1], And certain men who came down from Judea taught the brethren, and said, EXCEPT YOU BE CIRCUMCISED AFTER THE MANNER OF MOSES YOU CANNOT BE SAVED.
NOTE: ACTS 15:1 is the question that needs to be answered and the topic of conversation and CONTEXT of the chapter of ACTS 15. Here we have Jewish believers coming to Paul and Barnabas saying if the new GENTILES believers are not circumcised and made proselytes then they cannot be saved. This is the chapter context and issue of contention.
NOTE: ACTS 15:2 Which question? Weather your salvation depends on being CIRCUMCISED. They then traveled to Jerusalem about this question to determine if new gentile believers needed to be CIRCUMCISED in order to be saved. Once they got to Jerusalem, the question was then asked and the discussion continued with the Pharisees stating their case first..
[5], But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees who believed, saying, It is needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.
NOTE: KEEP in mind here the question was never over if gentile believers should obey God's 10 Commandments but to keep the Shadow laws of Moses, in this case CIRCUMCISION as a means of salvation. CIRCUMCISION is from the law of MOSES not God’s 10 Commandments written by God on two tables of stone.
[6], And the apostles and elders came together TO CONSIDER THIS MATTER.
NOTE: Again the topic of discussion and chapter CONTEXT that is being considered is the question stated in ACTS 15:1 which was IS CIRCUMCISION A REQUIREMENT OF SALVATION?
[7], And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, you know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. [8], And God, who knows the hearts, bore them witness, giving them the Holy Spirit, even as he did unto us;
NOTE: After much discussion between the Apostles, Peter then rose up showing that God gave the gentile believers the Holy Spirit being UNCIRCUMCISED.
[9], And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. [10], Now therefore why test God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? [11], But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.
NOTE: They came to the conclusion then that salvation is not by being circumcised but be what circumcision pointed to. A new heart by faith. This is made plain latter in other scripture written by PAUL here... ROMANS 2 [25] For circumcision verily profits, if you keep the law: but if you are a breaker of the law, your circumcision is made uncircumcision. [26], Therefore if the uncircumcision keeps the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision? [27], And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfills the law, judge you, who by the letter and circumcision do transgress the law? [28], FOR HE IS NOT A JEW, WHO IS ONE; NEITHER IS THAT CIRCUMCISION, WHICH IS OF THE OUTWARD FLESH: [29], BUT HE IS A JEW WHICH IS ONE INWARDLY; AND CIRCUMCISION IS THAT OF THE HEART, IN THE SPIRIT AND NOT IN THE LETTER; WHOSE PRAISE IS NOT OF MEN BUT OF GOD.
If ACTS 15 was talking about the 10 Commandments then Pauls writings in to the CORITHIANS do not make any sense.
The scripture above is a contradiction of how some interpret the outcome of ACTS 15. You do not believe Dan, that we are now free to break any of God's 10 Commandments now do you?
[12], Then all the multitude kept silence, and listened to Barnabas and Paul declaring what miracles and wonders God had done among the Gentiles by them. [13], And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me: [14], Simeon has declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. [15], And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, [16], After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: [17], That the rest of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, says the Lord, who does all these things. [18], Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. [19], THEREFORE MY JUDGMENT IS THAT WE TROUBLE NOT THEM WHO FROM THE GENTILES ARE TURNED TO GOD: [20], BUT WRITE UNTO THEM THAT THEY ABSTAIN FROM THE DEFILEMENT OF IDOLS, FORNICATION AND THINGS STRANGLED AND FROM BLOOD.
NOTE: JAMES conclusion is that new Gentile believers should not be troubled with CIRCUMCISION as a requirement of salvation which was the matter being considered and the question being discussion as shown in *ACTS 15:1-2; ACTS 15:6 but asks them to abstain from idols, fornication and from things strangled and from blood.
NOTE: The reason why JAMES sends this letter to the new Gentile believers is that they would continue learning God's WORD EVERY SABBATH.
CONCLUSION So the conclusion of the matter with CONTEXT added back in is found in v19-20 We are not to trouble the new gentile believers with CIRCUMCISION as a means of salvation. They are new converts that will learn more about GOD'S WORD when? EVERY SABBATH. In the meantime you should abstain from anything offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication.
So nothing written about the 10 Commandments being abolished in this chapter.
Here is what PAUL says of the matter here sometime latter after the decision of Jerusalem from the Acts of the Apostles 15 when he talks to the Corinthians gentile believers. Note what Paul says over the same question previously discussed from Acts of the Apostles 15?
ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 15 was about “CIRCUMCISION” as a requirement for salvation and is not even considering Gods 10 Commandments.
It is time to unlearn the lies we have been taught from Sunday school. There is not a single scripture in all of the bible that says God's 4th commandment of the 10 commandments that give us a knowledge of what sin is when broken has been abolished and we are now commanded to keep Sunday as a holy day of rest. Sunday worship is a man-made teaching and tradition that has led many away from God and His Word to break the commandments of God. According to the scriptures Jesus warns us saying that if we follow the man-made teachings and traditions that lead us away from God and His Word we are not worshiping God in Matthew 15:3-9. God is calling us all back to His Word to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth *John 4:23-24. Fear God therefore and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgement has come and worship Him that made the heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters *Revelation 14:7. Babylon has fallen God is calling us back to His Word to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. God's sheep hear His voice (the Word) and follow Him. Those who do not hear do not follow because they are not His sheep according to *John 10:26-27.
Take Care