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"And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name". (Rev 13:16-17).


"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." (Rev 14:9-11).

This fearful warning, the most terrible in all scripture, is given to the last generation of the world, the generation that will be guilty of worshiping the beast and his image and receiving his mark. This is a message of eternal life or death so it is of utmost importance that we understand what the Mark of the Beast is so that we do not receive it in our hand or forehead!


The Word of God  identifies the first Beast of Revelations 13 and 14 that as the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (see earlier studies 4, 5 and 6). It is also identified as the little Horn (Daniel 7:8, 20-25) and Fallen Babylon the Great Whore who is a mother of Harlots (Rev 17:1-5 and 18:1-4). Her Harlot daughters are the Fallen Protestant Churches, and the second Beast power that helps the Roman Catholic Church is the United States of America (Rev 13:11-15)


We must make it very clear once more that God has his people in all Churches. He loves all of His people and is calling his true followers to come out of these Churches teachings in order to worship him in spirit and in truth according to His Word. It is not the people but the systems of teachings of these Churches which leads His people away from God and His Word  into sin (breaking God's Laws) that God hates (Rev 18:1-4, John 10:16, John 4:23, 1John 3:4 and Rom 6:23). God loves all His people and is not willing that any of us should perish but that all should turn to Jesus to be saved from the judgements that are soon to fall upon this world (2Peter 3:9). God's true people in all churches will hear his voice and turn away from mad made teachings and traditions and choose to follow Jesus according to His Word and worship Him in Spirit and in truth.


The Mark of the Beast will be forced upon all people by the second beast power through civil law encouraged by the first beast (the Roman Catholic Church and the fallen Protestant Churches - daughters). This second beast is the United States of America which will lead the way of enforced Sunday worship which will be followed by the United nations of the world. All through time, the judgements of God have only come to the people of the earth because of sin (breaking any of God's 10 commandments, Ex 20:3-17) because the wages of sin = Death! (Rom 6:23 and James 2:8-14)


IMPORTANT! It should also be pointed out that no one receives the Mark of the Beast until it is forced upon them under legislation and penalty and all have the chance to choose who they will follow (Rev 13:13-18)


One of the key identifying acts of this Antichrist power is that it would think to change times and laws (Dan 7:25). History shows that the Roman Catholic Church fulfills this description by changing God's 7th Day Sabbath which is the 4th commandment of God's Law (Ex 20:8-11) from Saturday the 7th day of the week to Sunday on the first day of the week at the council of Laodicea in A.D. 364. The changing of God's Holy Sabbath to Sunday has today deceived the whole  Christian world! The Word of God clearly tells us that if we break one of God's commandments we are guilty of breaking all of God's Law and the wages of sin is death (James 2:8-14 and Rom 6:23). We only need to break one of God's commandments to be guilty of sin (James 2:10). Breaking God's holy 7th Day Sabbath commandment (Ex 20-8-11) is also sinning against God. This will be the great test that will be brought to the last generation of this world.


The judgements of God will only be received by those that are practicing sin (transgression of God's Laws). This is how it has always been throughout time. God's judgements are only received by those practicing sin (Rom 6:23). As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the last generation. In the final generation the people of the earth will only receive the judgements of God because of sin (Matt 24:37-39, Gen 13:13, 18:20-31 and Gen 6:5-14, Rev 14:7-12).


Prophecy tells us that the Roman Catholic Church (Dan 7:25) will cause all the people of the earth to sin against God (Rev 13:3-4 and 18:4). In the near future the United States will be influenced by the Roman Catholic Church and the fallen Protestant Churches and will speak like a dragon to impose a religious law enforcing the worship of the first beast. Protestants around the world will reject God’s law (in particular the 4th commandment, the 7th Day Sabbath), and His power will be withdrawn from the churches as well as his protection.


As a result of the rejection of God's Law, society will become increasingly evil (Luke 17:26-30), and at the same time the judgements of God will descend on the world (1Thess 5:3, Jer 30:7, Rev 6:12-17). The Roman Catholic Church and the fallen Protestant Churches will demand that the government enforce religious laws to bring the people back to God. First of all a law will be enacted making Sunday a day of rest for all its citizens. This will be a further rejection of God’s law and of His 7th day Sabbath in the fourth commandment.


As world conditions continue to deteriorate, economic sanctions will be legislated against those who refuse to comply with this new Sunday law, and they will be unable to buy or sell. Finally a death decree will be issued against them, and the United States will “cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.” (Rev 13:15-18)


Mark in the Forehead = Believe and obey (Deut 6:5-8, 11:18, Jer 3:3, Ex 13:9, 16 and Ezekiel 9:4)

Mark in the Hand = Human Action (Deut 6:5-8, 24:19, 30:9, 31:29, 1Kings 16:7, Job 1:10, Psalms 9:16 and Isaiah 1:15)


The beast causes his followers to receive a “mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell” without the “mark,” or the “name,” or the “number of the name of the first beast. The mark of the beast will be the observance of a religious law, enforced by the United States and other governments around the world, endorsing the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. Those who receive the mark in their foreheads believe that the Sunday law is necessary to regain God’s favor, while those marked in the hand obey only out of fear of death (Rev 13:15-18).





RECEIVING THE MARK IN THE HAND = TO OBEY  (You don't need to believe in Sunday Worship)


God’s seal is His name, character and law written in His people’s hearts and minds. These characteristics are seen in His 7th day Sabbath commandment, which identifies Him as our Creator (Ex 20: 10).  God's  true followers are identified as those who resist the mark of the beast and keep God's 7th Day Sabbath Holy. They are  identified as “keeping the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus” (Rev 14:12)

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“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty six.

— Revelations 13:18




The 4th commandment of God's Law; "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." (Ex 20:8-11).


This is the only commandment in God's Law that starts off by telling us to "Remember".  Seeing into the future of our world, God knew that the people of the earth would forget his 4th commandment. This being said God has always had faithful followers all through time that have kept his 7th Day Sabbath Holy and have obeyed his Laws even when the majority had forsaken Him.


The Antichrist has deceived the world, through the Roman Catholic Church, into forsaking God's 4th commandment and has substituted in it's place the ancient pagan practice of Sunday worship which they term  "the Lord's Day". This was done in honor of the Lord's resurrection but it is a change for which there is not one text in Scripture that supports this change.


The Word of God clearly tells us that if we substitute His Words for man made traditions even if we think we are worshiping God then we are deceiving ourselves (Matt 15:9, Mark 7:7, Deut 5:11, Jer 3:23, 8:8, Zac 10:2, Rom 1:18-25). Very simply, sin = the breaking of God's 10 commandments and the wages of sin = Death! (James 2:10 and Rom 6:23). It is very clear in God's Word that there will only be two classes of people around in the last generation. These include, those that are sinning against God and breaking his Laws who receive the judgements of God and those through the faith of Jesus keep God's commandments from the heart (Rev 12:17, 14:7-11 and Rev 14:12).


Only a little bit of honest research will show that God has never changed His 7th Day Sabbath Law and this will be the great test coming to the last generation of the people of this world. 


More References;

1. 100 Facts about the Sabbath and Sunday Worship

2. The 7th Day Sabbath and Sunday in God's Word (part 1&2)

3. History of the Sabbath (Truth Triumphant) it has always been kept by God's people in the old and new testament

4. From Sabbath to Sunday


6. The Sabbath History

The Great Day is Near

“Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: ”

— Isaiah 13:6

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