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European Day for a work-free Sunday: Joint statement of the European Sunday Alliance

On March 3, 2021,

the annual European Day for a Work-Free Sunday, the European Sunday Alliance calls on political leaders in Europe to put synchronised free time as a priority on the social policy agenda and help make a tangible, visible and cherished improvement to the lives of citizens across Europe. In particular, the European Sunday Alliance calls on the European Commission to align its upcoming proposal for a directive on a right to disconnect with article 2 of the Council of Europe’s Social Charter which already requires “a weekly rest period which shall, as far as possible, coincide with the day recognised by tradition or custom in the country or region concerned as a day of rest. ”The European Sunday Alliance (ESA) is a network of more than 100 national Sunday Alliances, trade unions, employers’ organisations, civil society organisations, churches and religious communities committed to raise awareness of the unique value of synchronised free time for our European societies. Contacts to the Steering Group of the European Sunday Alliance. Link to read more here.


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