We are God's temple for His Spirit to dwell and the scriptures teach us that we are to look after ourselves in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. This section is for studying the scriptures in regards to healthy living as God desinged and shows us through His Word. What do you do to look after Gods' temple (yourself) and what questions do you have? This section of the forum is devoted to healthy living.
According to the bible, God wants us to look after our bodies and there is 8 Laws of health that can lead us into having a healthy and strong body and mind and help us to have a NEW START to a happy and healthy better quality of life. God's 8 laws of health include.
Nuttrition - Correct healthy diet
Excercise - both for body and the mind
Water - Keeping hydrated with pure water
Sunshine - needed for vitamine D
Temperance - Even too much of a good thing can be bad for us
Air that is fresh
Rest - the body and mind with enough sleep and relaxation
Trust - in God who directs our paths
Here is a list of helpful videos provided below that can help us understand God's health laws listed below.
Trust in God
May God bless you as you seek Him through His Word.
God bless 😊